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Season 2021 - The Artists

GMO Orchestra

Sabato 3 luglio ore 21,00 Piazza Quarna Sopra GMO Orchestra

Liceo Gobetti

Venerdì 9 luglio Ore 18,30 Fabbrica Grassi Orchestra del Liceo Gobetti di Omegna Concerto di fine Corso

Ensemble Pecelli

Domenica 18 Luglio ore 18,00 Oratorio del Saliente Ensemble Pecelli Marco Rainelli Flauto solista Andrea Pecelli Direttore

2 voci

Sabato 24 luglio ore 21:00 Fabbrica Grassi Concerto Sax 2 Voci True Voices Sax Quartet Daniele Manciocchi - Sax Soprano Carlo Micheli - Sax alto Davide Grottelli - Sax tenore David Brutti - Sax baritono

Clarionet Trio

Clarinetti antichi - Venerdì 30 Luglio ore 21,00 Concerto Chiesa del Saliente - Sabato 31 luglio ore 10,00 MASTERCLASS Docente Rocco Carbonara ore 16,00 Conferenza C/o Auditorium del Museo Relatore Prof. Francesco Carreras

David Brutti - Nicola Lamon

Sabato 7 agosto ore 17,00 David Brutti: cornetto Nicola Lamon: organo Passeggiata Musicale alla scoperta degli Organi storici di Quarna

Concerto all'alba

Domenica 8 agosto ore 6,00 Concerto all'alba Piazzale Belvedere Quarna Sopra Corpo Musicale Egidio Rampone di Quarna LEE IN JAE (STELLA LEE) Soprano SONG JINHEON (GINO SONG) Baritono INAE KIM Pianoforte

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Sabato 21 agosto ore 21,00 Fabbrica Grassi PDF Interplay

Giuseppe Garbarino

Sabato18 settembre - ore 10,00 Fabbrica GRASSI Incontro con Giuseppe Garbarino - ore 21,00 Concerto "Musica per gli Amici" Alessandro Licostini - clarinetto Vittoria Licostini - voce soprano Simone Faraoni - pianoforte Giuseppe Canone - sax soprano Marco Rampone - sax alto Luca Barchi - sax tenore David Brutti - sax baritono

all'alba Concerto

The Egidio Rampone di Quarna Musical Corps awaits you at Belvedere Quarna Sopra at 6.00 am for the 2nd Edition of the CONCERT at dawn

A musical greeting to the new day.

Music and song united to celebrate the sun that rises behind the Mottarone and is reflected on Lake Orta



She graduated in opera singing at the “G. Nicolini ”of Piacenza.

She graduated in opera singing at the “Claudio Abbado” Civic School of Music in Milan

She has been awarded at international competitions including "Magda Olivero", "Note Pucciniane",

"G. Simionato "," P. Boni "etc.

Certificate "Masterclass with M. James Vaughan", first Maestro di sala of the Teatro alla Scala.

He has played the main roles in various operas such as "Tosca", "Cavalleria Rusticana"

at the Buratto Theater at PIME in Milan and in various theaters in Italy and abroad.

He participated in the Concert held at the Enrico Caruso Auditorium, on the occasion of the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of Giacomo Puccini, organized by the Puccini Festival Foundation of Torre del Lago Puccini.

She was a vocal teacher for the Canti Corum choir in Milan.

He is currently a lyric singing class teacher for CPSM (popular evening music course) at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan (since 2009). It continues its activity in Italy and abroad.



Diploma and second level degree in opera singing at the “G. Nicolini ”of Piacenza.

He was awarded at international competitions including “P. Cappuccilli ”,“ F. Mattiucci "," P. Boni "," G. Poggi "," L. Triulzio di Belgiojoso "etc.

Certificate "Masterclass with M. James Vaughan", first Maestro di sala of the Teatro alla Scala.

He has played the main roles in various works such as "Rigoletto", "Le Nozze di Figaro", "Pagliacci", "Lucia di Lammermoor", "Cavalleria Rusticana", "Opera da tre soldi", "Tosca",

“Madama Butterfly”, ”La Bohéme etc .. in various theaters in Italy and abroad.

He currently collaborates with the “G. Nicolini ”of Piacenza as Tutor in the singing class of Prof. ML Groppi.

It continues its activity in Italy and abroad.


Born in 1991 in Incheon, South Korea.
She graduated in piano from Chungbuk High School of Music.
She arrived in Italy to perfect her studies at the "Guido Cantelli" Conservatory of
Novara, he obtained a three-year degree in piano and is currently attending
the two-year specialist course in Collaborating Master,
He has participated in numerous opera concerts as an accompanist for both the
Novara Conservatory and ChungBuk Theater in South Korea


The Orchestra of the Young Ossola Musicians, also known as GMO , was born in 2001 from an innovative idea of Maestro Alberto Lanza:

give the possibility to “budding musicians” to have their first experience of ensemble music by combining wind instruments, strings, percussion and digital instruments in a single group.

The idea was successful and to date the group is made up of about 100 elements between 10 and 30 years old from all over the province of the VCO, from Novara and from the province of Milan.

The group's repertoire has been inspired for many years by music taken from the most beautiful soundtracks of the most famous films and musicals of all time, moreover the orchestra has had the opportunity to perform in a second repertoire of original music that have the landscapes of the Ossola Valley; the GMOs have also long successfully tried their hand at a third repertoire inspired by music from the American continent.

The multiple timbres due to the different types of instruments, the fascinating and compelling repertoire,

the energy that the children transmit through the music they play, give life to an extraordinary and unique orchestra. The orchestra consists of wind instruments (flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, trombones, horns), strings (violins, cellos, double bass), accordion, digital pianos, guitars, electric bass, drums, various percussion and voice instruments soloist in some songs.

In 19 years, the GMOs have made more than 300 concerts all over Europe.

David Brutti

David Brutti was born in Foligno in 1979. He studied saxophone with Jean-Marie Londeix and Marie Bernadette Charrier at the Bordeaux Conservatory, obtaining the "Medaille d'Or", and with Pier Narciso Masi at the "International Piano Academy of Imola", obtaining the Master in Chamber Music. From 2000 to 2008 David Brutti was awarded in over fifteen international and national competitions including the Gaudeamus Interpreters Competition 2007 - Amsterdam, and “What's next 2006” - Nuova Consonanza.


He has held Masterclasses at the Royal College of Music - London, the Konservatorium Wien, and at the Conservatory Superior de las Islas Baleares - Palma de Mallorca where he currently holds the position of Saxophone teacher


The Clarionet Trio was born in 2019 from the passion of the three musicians (Rocco Carbonara, Lycia Gialdi and Stefano Rapetti) for the search for the authentic sound of the instruments from which composers, from the Mozart era up to the mid-19th century, heard their own playing. works. Renouncing the greater technical convenience of modern instruments, we researched the performance practices and the timbre characteristics of the clarinets that played the music, then just composed, of the authors of the Classical Period.



with Rocco Carbonara, Clarionet Ensemble (Rocco Carbonara, Lycia Gialdi, Stefano Rapetti) and Francesco Carreras.

With a meeting held by Francesco Carreras and a concert with period instruments of the Clarionet Trio, the figure of Pietro Piana, one of the most important and refined Italian wind instrument makers of the first half of the nineteenth century, is highlighted. Born in Fornero in 1785, Pietro Piana began his prestigious business in Milan around 1811 and ran it until the middle of the century. He died in Milan in 1858.

During the talk by Dr. Francesco Carreras, a great expert on Italian wind instrument makers, it will be possible to see numerous clarinets and flutes by Pietro Piana taken from the Carreras collection and the Carbonara collection.


  • Mozart Divertimento n.4

  • Gherardeschi 4 Sonatas

  • Mozart Arias from Don Giovanni and Marriage of Figaro

  • Rossini Barber's Aria of Seville (with Piana)

  • Verdi Aria from Rigoletto (with Piana)

  • Boufil Trio op.7 n.1



After graduating with full marks at the "G. Verdi" Conservatory of Milan, he perfected his studies with Giuseppe Garbarino (Chigiana Academy of Siena) and Antony Pay (International Academy L. Perosi of Biella).

As first clarinet he played with the Orchestra of the Teatro Comunale di Treviso, the Milan Classica Chamber Orchestra, the RAI Orchestra of Milan, the Budapest Chamber Orchestra and the Padua and Veneto Orchestra of which he is a permanent member. since 1989.

He has collaborated and collaborates with international level musicians such as, to name a few, Antony Pay, Antonio Ballista, Anahi Carfi, Marco Rizzi, Michele Lomuto, Gabriele Cassone, Trio di Parma, David Shifrin, the Slowind Quintet of Lubjana, Luisa Castellani, Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, Eric Hoeprich playing for the major Italian and European musical institutions.

He has held seminars on new clarinet techniques for the composition courses of Umberto Rotondi (Music in Perspective of Perugia, 1991), of Giacomo Manzoni (Frentano Festival of Lanciano, 1994), of Azio Corghi (Toscanini Foundation of Parma, 1996).

As a soloist with orchestra he performed Rossini's Variations in C, Weber's Concertino op.26, Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante, Bruch's Double Concerto op.88, J.Stamitz's Concerto. Again as a soloist with orchestra he performed the Introduction Theme and Variations and the Variations to several obligatory instruments, in the first performance in modern times, by Gioacchino Rossini with the Milano Classica Chamber Orchestra.

Since 1997 he has dedicated himself to the study and performance practice with the ancient clarinet. In this context he was a soloist with the Hermanns Baroque Academy of Perugia (performing and recording Telemann's concerto in D minor for two chalumeaux and orchestra for the Bottega Discantica record company) and with the Accademia Litta in Milan (performing the Sinfonia Concertante K297b by WAMozart, the concertante by K. Stamitz for clarinet and bassoon, the Variations for clarinet and orchestra by G. Rossini). Always with the ancient clarinet he collaborated with the Pietà de 'Turchini Orchestra of Naples, the Arcimboldo Ensemble of Padua, the Music Academy of Amsterdam, the Augustantica Ensemble of Aosta, the Auser Musici Orchestra of Pisa, The Barocchisti of Lugano, the Baroque Complex of Alan Curtis, the Merseburger Hofmusik of Leipzig, the VerdiBarocca of Milan, Les Musiciens du Prince of Montecarlo and the Innsbrucker Festwochen Orchestra.

For Amadeus he recorded WAMozart's Serenades for winds K375, K388 and K361 (Gran Partitta) with Antony Pay concerted clarinet.

He has recorded for Claves, Pilz, Ricordi, Velut Luna, Arcophon / Rivo Alto, Bottega Discantica, Limen.

He has held courses and master classes on historical clarinet at the Conservatories of La Spezia, Trieste and the Istituto Pareilato di Gallarate.

He teaches clarinet and historical clarinet at the A. Pedrollo Conservatory in Vicenza.



Graduated in Clarinet and later in Chamber Music at the Parma Conservatory, she studied with F. Meloni, specializing in basset horn and bass clarinet with D. Zanetta.


He has recorded with various orchestral and chamber ensembles for the Deutsche Grammophon, Warner Classics, Fonit Cetra, Nuova Era, Stradivarius, Dynamic, RAI Trade, MDG Recording, Tawa, Musica Viva Records and was broadcast live on RAI 3 ( Concerto al Quirinale, 31 December 2005, bass clarinet), live broadcast for Radio 3 and for the Austrian ORF (respectively for the Vienna 2010 and Innsbruck 2018 Ancient Music Festivals) and recorded broadcast for RAI 5 (Innsbruck Festival).


He collaborates and has collaborated with orchestras and opera organizations such as: Philharmonic Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala, Orchestra of the Opera Theater of Rome, Orchestra of "I Pomeriggi Musicali", Orchestra of the Bellini Theater of Catania, Orchestra of the Lyric Theater of Cagliari, Orchestra of the Teatro Regio di Parma, Orchestra of Padua and Veneto, International Orchestra of Italy, Orchestra Milano Classica, Orchestra of the Accademia del Teatro alla Scala, etc.) with conductors and soloists such as D. Harding, L.Shambadal, M. Turkovic, H. Schellenberger, P. Domenico, K. Zimmeman, H. Soudant, W. Humburg, K. Blacher, A. Mayer, D. Renzetti, U.Benedetti Michelangeli, G. Cassone, B. Canino, R. Filipini , L.Nucci, V. La Scola, M.Pertusi, etc.

She has performed in major Italian and foreign cities as part of important festivals and concert seasons ("Resonanzen" in Vienna, "Festival MITO" in Milan, "International Festival Mozart" in Rovereto, "Anima Mundi" in Pisa, "Evenings Music of Milan "," Verdi Festival "of Parma," Youth Music of Italy ", FAI of Parma and Brescia, etc.) in the major Italian and European theaters such as:" Konzerthaus "of Vienna," Gewandhaus "of Leipzig," Tonhalle "In Zurich," Megarou Mousiki "in Athens," Theater an der Wien "," L'Auditori "in Barcelona," Palau de la Musica "in Valencia," Onassis Cultural Center "in Athens," Teatro alla Scala "in Milan , "La Fenice" in Venice, "Teatro dell'Opera" in Rome, "Politeama" in Palermo, "Bellini" in Catania, "Arcimboldi" in Milan, "Dal Verme" in Milan, "Verdi" in Trieste, "Regio "Of Parma," Grande "of Brescia, etc.


Suitable for audition, she attended the courses of the Academy for Orchestra Professors of the Teatro alla Scala 2003/04 as a bass clarinet.

Graduated with full marks in Historical Clarinet at the Vicenza Conservatory, she has collaborated with baroque and classical orchestras such as Kamerata Megarou Mousikis, Barock Orchestra of Patras, Armonia Atenea, Academia Montis Regalis, Silete Venti Baroque Orchestra, Cremona Antiqua, Baroque Orchestra of Bologna , Hermans Academy, Italian Classical Orchestra, Oficina Musicum, San Marco Orchestra, etc., within seasons and ancient music festivals including: Salzburg "Salzburger Festspiele" (Haus für Musik Theater), Athens (Megarou Mousikis and Onassis Theater Cultural Center), Innsbruck "Festwochen der Alten Musik" (Landestheater), Paris (Théâtre des Champs-Élysées), Bergamo "Festival Donizetti Opera" (Teatro Sociale), etc., with soloists of the caliber of F. Fagioli and MECen ic, making recordings for the Deutsche Grammophon, Warner Classics, MDG International labels.

In January 2010 he participated in chamber ensembles in the prestigious early music season “Resonanzen 2010” at the Konzerthaus in Vienna at the invitation of the same theater, a concert broadcast live on the radio for the ORF (Österreichischer Rundfunk).

As an artist he has worked for international agencies such as Stage Door of Bologna and Parnassus Arts Productions of Vienna.



He graduated in clarinet with full marks from the Cons. “G. Cantelli ”of Novara under the guidance of Maestro Sandro Tognatti.

He participates in Master Classes with Charles Neidich, Fabrizio Meloni and Alessandro Carbonare and in 2003 obtains, with M ° Thomas Friedli, the diploma of the High Specialization Academy at the “L. Perosi ”of Biella with an“ excellent ”rating.

He obtained scholarships for various orchestral training courses, including those of the Italian Youth Orchestra of Fiesole, of the La Scala Theater Academy (for two consecutive years, with M ° Denis Zanchetta) and of the Paganini Conservatory of Genoa with Vincenzo Mariozzi.

He collaborates with numerous orchestras (OCM Chamber Orchestra of Mantua, Coccia Theater of Novara, Orchestra Sinf. Of Savona, Orchestra of the Accademia della Scala, "I Virtuosi di Roma", Orchestra Sinf. Of Piedmont, Orchestra Pressenda of Cuneo etc. .), holding concerts in prestigious venues such as the Lincoln Center in New York, the KKL in Lucerne, the Verdi Theater in Florence.

In 2005 he obtained the eligibility for the Orchestra of the Verona Arena, both as a clarinet and as a piccolo clarinet.

He has collaborated with numerous wind orchestras, including the "Accademia" wind orchestra, the Lugano Philharmonic and OFSI (Wind Orchestra of Italian Switzerland).

Since 2008 he has dedicated himself to the study of baroque music and in 2013 he graduated in baroque recorder at the Civica Scuola di Musica in Milan with Maestro Daniele Bragetti (also attending master classes with Walter van Hauwe, Stefano Bragetti, Claudia Caffagni) and plays concert activity with the Vermeer Baroque Ensemble.

From 2015 he embarks on a new path in which the skills acquired with the modern clarinet and those of ancient music merge, dedicating himself to the study of the classical clarinet on original 18th century instruments, under the guidance of M ° Rocco Carbonara (also following lessons with Eric Hoeprich and Luca Lucchetta) with whom he collaborates in the context of the Clarionet Ensemble.


Giuseppe Garbarino , famous clarinetist and conductor as well as composer, graduated in composition with Bettinelli at the “Boito” Conservatory in Parma and in clarinet at the “Paganini” in Genoa. A multifaceted personality of Italian musical life, he gained international attention as a clarinetist by winning the Geneva Competition (1963) and five national competitions, including the one at La Scala in Milan where he was 1st Clarinet between 1966 and 1973.

In '72 he founded the Garbarino Ensemble with which he presented works by great authors of the '900 (many of which dedicated to him) at the Scala in Milan and around the world, including Petrassi, Donatoni, Clementi, Castiglioni, Xenakis, Scelsi . Among the many awards received are the "Diapason d'Oro" of RAI (1971) and the "Viotti d'Oro" of Vercelli (1980). In 1983 he founded the Sammartini Orchestra of Milan (for the dissemination of the origins of the Italian symphony), hosting Carlo Zecchi to inaugurate it.

From 1985 to 2003 he was president of the SIMC (Italian section of the "International Society for contemporary music"). He has conducted the RAI orchestras of Milan and Turin at La Scala (Milan), Santa Cecilia (Rome), as well as in the most important Italian theaters.

He has conducted in major European centers such as Madrid: Teatro Real “Filarmonica Nacional”; Paris: Champs Elysee Theater; Sofia (Sal Bulgaria) Orchestra "Pasdeloup Concerts" - Symphony of Radio Zagreb "Zagreb Filarmonia"; Netherlands: Radio Hilversun; Poland: Warsaw, Katowice, Gdansk, Poznan, Krakovia, etc.

Regular guest of the Toscanini Orchestra of Parma, with which for a decade he made several tours presenting music programs of the '900 at the New York (1991), Athens (1982) and Paris at the Center Pompidou-IRCAM (1994) ). From 1989 to 1996 he was guest conductor at the Verona Arena where he conducted various programs, from Mozart's Requiem to Strawinski, Varése, throughout the twentieth century.

His teaching activity in various English and Israeli universities, at the Milan Conservatory, at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, is of great importance. He has held high orchestral specialization courses in Ravello, Fiesole, Saluzzo and Krakow. He has recorded for the record companies CBS, Ducale, Nuova Era, Edi Pan. From the end of the 90s his activity as composer intensified, creating a conspicuous chamber and symphonic repertoire.


Saturday 24 October at 21.00

Concert "Giuseppe Garbarino - Music for friends"


Alessandro Licostini - clarinet

Vittoria Licostini - soprano voice

Simone Faraoni - piano

Giuseppe Canone - soprano sax

Marco Rampone - alto sax

Luca Barchi - tenor sax

David Brutti - baritone sax


Quarna Under the "Fabbrica Grassi"

Admission reserved for Members (Card Cost € 20.00)



Music by Giuseppe Garbarino


BOUNCE (Variations) for clarinet and piano


FOUR SONGS (on texts by Gianni Bombaci) for voice and piano (2018)

- On certain slopes

- Leaves

- Your name is Michela

- Cherries


SHADOW FIGURES for Clarinet and Piano (2018)


YELLOW SUITE for Saxophone Quartet (2010)

- Promenade

- Bounce for Liza

- Nocturne

- Riff for Daisy




Quintet PDF


The "Quintetto PDF" was born as "Trio JC" in 2008.

He performed for years in different contexts (clubs, clubs, theaters, squares) immediately encountering appreciation from the public.

Starting from the standards, the group moves in search of new creative experiences, finally landing in executive modes based exclusively on improvisation, exploiting the particularity of the tools used.

The goal of the group is the search for an ever greater executive understanding, which takes its cue from drawings indicating the expressive methods and sometimes the tonalities.


The members of the group are:

  • Dario Cardelli - Chiviola

  • Pier Lego - Bass

  • Tobias Winter - Guitar with effects

  • Fedele Stucchi -Trombone - Lisarda

  • Daniel Kolle - Ethnic percussion - Voice

True Voices Sax Quartet

is a group of four saxophonists (David Brutti, Daniele Manciocchi, Davide Grottelli and Carlo Micheli) each coming from different musical experiences ranging from funk to jazz to classical, passing through other styles and musical genres.

The result of the ensemble is the creation of a very particular sound deriving from original arrangements of pieces that were not originally designed for this formation and which, in the adaptation, find a new rhythmic and harmonic guise.

The four saxophonists, who have as their common denominator the handcrafted instruments of the Italian factory Rampone and Cazzani, try their hand at a repertoire that is mostly inspired by famous songs of the 70s revisited in an original way for acoustic training.

True Voices Sax Quartet

Pecelli Ensemble
Marco Rainelli - Solo Flute
Andrea Pecelli - Conductor

Music by Albinoni, Vivaldi Corelli

Pecelli Ensemble
Licero Gobetti

Liceo Gobetti Orchestra
Orchestral course from 5 to 9 July
Final concert

Chris Collins
is an American jazz soloist who has toured Japan, South Africa, Europe and North America as leader of his own ensembles and as a soloist. Cited as a singular place in the Detroit jazz scene, he is also professor and director of jazz studies at Carnegie I research University in Detroit - Wayne State University, and president and artistic director of the Detroit Jazz Festival (the largest jazz festival party in the world.)

He has performed in jazz festivals including: Cork, Ireland, Montreux-Switzerland, Panama, Pori, Nice, North Sea and Glasgow - and has won numerous awards, including the first American to receive the Brusoni Prize in Italy in 2011.

His CD "Detours Detroit" for clarinet and harp quartet blends classical and jazz elements. His "Electro-Monk, Acoustic-Funk" blends techno and acoustic jazz with extraordinary originality. His hit "Jazz from the Shamrock Shore" (Harriett Jazz / ASCAP) features extensive compositions that artistically combine Irish folk instrumentation, vocabulary and repertoire with American jazz.

In addition to his work on commercial recordings and film soundtracks, including the score for Paramount Pictures' award-winning release "The Big Night," and the television series Leverage and the Librarian, Collins'jazz's solo work can be heard on the CD "A Hot Night In Paris" The Phil Collins Big Band (Atlantic) and numerous jazz releases. Collins has performed with artists including Danilo Perez, Pistol Allen, Lou Rawls, Mel Torme, Marcus Belgrave, Detroit Jazz All-Stars, Doc Severinsen, Matt Michaels, The Turin Philharmonic 900 and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra

He has presented numerous workshops and residencies around the world including the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Turin Italy, Berklee Global Jazz Institute, Tokyo Japan, Europe, South Africa, Glasgow, Scotland, and in numerous national conferences on topics including jazz saxophone / improvisation , world -Musical influences and distance jazz education.



Project with original music by composer Julio Jay Mustelier -Blend Tra Cuba - Italy - Usa


  • Chris Collins - Saxophones and Clarinets

  • David Brutti - Saxophones

  • Lorenzo Erra - Plan

  • Roberto Mattei - Bass

  • Williams Garzón - Percussion and Voice


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